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THE ROUNDUP: No Way Out (2023)

Title: THE ROUNDUP: No Way Out (2023)

The Roundup: No Way Out

Original title: The Roundup: No Way Out

Director: Sang-yong Lee
Screenwriter: Kim Min-sung
Year: 2023
Time: 105 mn
Type: ActionPolicier
Distribution: Capelight Pictures


TRAILER of the film: The Roundup: No Way Out Artists: Dong-seok Ma, Lee Jun-hyuk, Munetaka Aoki


Seven years after the roundup in Vietnam, Ma Seok-do (Don Lee) joins a new squad to investigate a murder case. Soon, he finds out this case involves busting a synthetic drug and starts to dig deeper… Meanwhile, the guy behind it all—Joo Sung-chul (Lee Jun-hyuk)—doesn’t stop looking for trouble, and the Japanese drug distributors, Ricky (Munetaka Aoki) and his gang, come to Korea to join the chaos. Things are just about to get out of hand…

Released: 02/06/2023 (Usa)

More Film with:
Dong-seok Ma

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