Title: SAMURAI CAT 2 (2015)
Original title: Neko zamurai: Minami no shima e iku Director: Takeshi Watanabe |
TRAILER of the film: Samurai Cat 2 Artists: Kazuki Kitamura, Moto Fuyuki, Hana Kino, Kanna Mori, Yasukaze Motomiya, Takashi Nishina, Yasuomi Sano |
Kyutaro now lives with his mother-in-law Tae, his daughter and his wife Oshizu, not to mention Tamanojoh. He spends most of his days without a clear purpose. However, one day Tae informed him that a position as a swordsman instructor was to be filled at Tosa Estate on Shikoku Island. Kyutaro, forced by the latter, decides to go with her beloved cat. However, the samurai will soon disappoint…
Released: 18/07/2015 (Usa)
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