Title: NIGHT AND FOG (2009)
Original title: Tin shui wai dik ye yu mo Director: Ann Hui |
TRAILER of the film: Night and Fog Artists: Zhang Jingchu, Simon Yam, Ariel Hiu-Man Chan, Audrey Hiu-Yau Chan, Amy Chum, Man-Ho Hui, Wai-Guen Law, Yan-Yee Connie Leung, Kar-Ping Ng, Kwan-Ho Sze, Chau-Wah Yim |
Night and Fog starts at the end of the story: a man murders his wife and, based on statements by unreliable witnesses, the film goes on to investigate how things could have got this far and what kind of man was able to kill his family; questions that almost inevitably remain unanswered.
Released: 14/05/2009 (Usa)