Title: SHORT OF LOVE (2009)
Original title: Ngai chai dor ching Director: James Yuen |
TRAILER of the film: Short of Love Artists: Angela baby, Cho-Lam Wong, Kate Tsui, Race Wong, J.J. Jia, Chrissie Chau, Kai-Chung Cheung, Lynn Hung, Ella Koon |
Jack Lam, a wealthy stock trader who manages to hang onto the majority of his assets through the tumult of the 2008 financial tsunami. Unfortunately for Jack, his girlfriend, Chu-Chu, soon discovers his romantic infidelities and promptly dumps him. Left single and miserable, Jack runs into a mysterious woman known as Angel, who encourages him to think of others in lieu of merely thinking of himself.
Released: 25/06/2009 (China)