Title: FIST & FURIOUS (2019)
Original title: Nanpokhan Girok Director: Ha Won Jun |
TRAILER of the film: Fist & Furious Artists: Jeong Du Hong, Ryu Deok Hwan, Seo Eun Ah, Choi Ha Na, Jeong Ui Gap, Kim Hae In |
Guk Hyeon is a journalist who would like to find an exciting and provocative story to investigate. One day, he heard about Kang Gi Man, a former police inspector. In a drug cartel case, his partner was killed and he himself was stabbed in the head. Since then, he has kept a piece of a knife in his head and his life has fallen apart so much that he longs for only one thing: revenge on Jeong Tae Hwa, the gang leader. He then proposed to Guk Hyeon to cover the events.
Released: 11/07/2019 (South Korea)
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