Title: MIKAZUKI TO NEKO (2024)
Original title: 三日月とネコ Director: Naho Kamimura |
TRAILER of the film: Mikazuki to Neko Artists: Kana Kurashina, Yumi Adachi, Keisuke Watanabe, Watanabe Keisuke, Yamanaka Takashi, Ishikawa Ruka, Kobayashi Satomi |
Akari is a single woman in her forties, working in a bookshop. She lives with Jin, a young employee in an interior decoration store, Kanoko, a doctor in her thirties, and their cat Mikazuki. Originally from the Kumamoto region, Akari discovers a simple daily life in this astonishing dwelling, which brings her great happiness on a daily basis… This feeling is reinforced by the presence of the little feline, who literally gives rhythm to the days of these three adults with wounded hearts.
Released: 24/05/2024 (Japan)