Title: ALMOST A MIRACLE (2019)
Original title: Machida-kun no Sekai Director: Yûya Ishii |
TRAILER of the film: Almost a Miracle Artists: Hosoda Kanata, Sekimizu Nagisa, Ikematsu Sosuke, Iwata Takanori, Kitamura Yukiya, Maeda Atsuko |
Machida Hajime is a high school student who doesn’t have very good grades. However, he loves helping people and is very much loved by those around him. One day at school, Hajime was injured and went to the school infirmary. It was there that he met Inohara Nana. She treats him instead of the nurse who is not there, and tells him she doesn’t like people. After that, Hajime began to take an interest in her.
Released: 07/06/2019 (Japan)
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