Title: KIZOKU KOURIN: Prince of Legend (2020)
Original title: Kizoku Kourin: Prince of Legend Director: Hayato Kawai |
TRAILER of the film: Kizoku Kourin: Prince of Legend Artists: Yoshihiko Aramaki, Itsuki Fujiwara, Yoshihiko Hakamada, Makoto Hasegawa, Tomoki Hirose, Hiroki Iijima, Katsuya, Kazuma Kawahara, Shô Kiyohara, Daigo Naito |
Shintaro Ando became Noble Dori after various confrontations. Now the Dori group, which is led by Shintaro Ando, has battles for the title of Legend (“Densetsu”) against the Prince group, which is led by Kanade Suzaku.
Released: 13/03/2020 (Japan)
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