Title: BACK STREET GIRLS: Gokudoruzu (2019)
Original title: Back Street Girls: Gokudoruzu Director: Keinosuke Hara |
TRAILER of the film: Back Street Girls: Gokudoruzu Artists: Nana Asakawa, Masato Hanazawa, Kôichi Iwaki, Reiya Masaki, Ruka Matsuda, Natsumi Okamoto, Ren Osugi |
Kentaro Yamamoto, Ryo Tachibana and Kazuhiko Sugihara are young gangster members. They make a mistake which angers their boss and the young men beg for their lives. Their boss heard that idol groups can bring in a lot of money. He forces these three young men to undergo sex change operations and receive plastic surgery. After the operation, the three men, who are now women, debut as female idol group “Gokudoruzu.”
Released: 08/02/2019 (Japan)
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