Title: LEGEND OF THE FIST (2010)
Original title: 精武风云.陈真 Director: Andrew Lau |
TRAILER of the film: Legend of the Fist Artists: Shu Qi, Donnie Yen, Alex Ahlstrom, Anthony Chau-Sang Wong, Bo Huang, Ryu Kohata, Siyan Huo, Zhou Yang, Shawn Yue, Yasuaki Kurata |
Seven years ago, in Japanese-occupied Shanghai, Chen Zhen was shot after discovering who was responsible for his master’s murder. A mysterious stranger arrives from overseas and befriends the local mafia boss. This man is actually Chen Zhen who, in disguise, tries to infiltrate the milieu as it forms an alliance with the Japanese. Changing into a masked vigilante at night, Chen tries to discover all those involved in a list of assassinations prepared by the Japanese.
Released: 22/04/2011 (Usa)