Title: SUNKIST FAMILY (2019)
Original title: Sseonkiseu Paemirri Director: Kim Ji Hye |
TRAILER of the film: Sunkist Family Artists: Park Hee Sun, Jin Gyeong, Ha Eun Jin, Ham Sung Min, Hwang Wu Seul Hye, Jang Seong Beom |
Jun Ho and Yu Mi are crazy in love, even after twenty years of marriage. They have three children: Cheol Won, Gyeong Ju and Jin Hae. Their sex life suffers a little because the last one comes to their room all the time… And when one day, Mi Hee, a friend of Jun Ho’s, moves in next door to them, Yu Mi quickly understands the relationship that this beautiful young woman has with her husband…
Released: 27/03/2019 (South Korea)
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